Monday, April 12, 2010

What Not to Teach

When looking at the episodes of “What Not To Wear,” it was easy to think of the various ways that the elements of design could be applied to a “What Not To Teach” episode. Like fashion, education has many trends and a fluidity that evolves over time and lead to varying degrees of compelling experiences. It is very easy to get stuck in a rut. You have the ‘fad’ teaching techniques and the classics, or soon to be classics.

At one time, calculators were seen as a fad, but now they have become a staple; a classic if you will. Similarly, the effective use of technology is quickly becoming a classic daily choice in most classrooms. The old days of assigning textbook work and questions or pure memorization and repetition exercises should be over. I say should because, like all elements of fashion, not everyone is willing to change and sometimes an intervention is necessary. We all have our own unique teaching style in as much as students have their own individual learning style. As a teacher, I know that I have to respect these differences among my students and accommodate for them through the use of differentiated instruction and consideration of multiple intelligences.

What I know and understand about my tastes today will ultimately change over time. I strive to reach for the classics, appreciate and evaluate the trends and continue learning and imitating those teachers who I know have definite style!

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